
#Esclusiva - Intervista al modello Stevo Trann (english version)

Il giovane modello canadese ha accettato di essere intervistato da noi del JP e siamo orgogliosi di condividere quello che ha voluto rivelarci!


Stevo Trann, 25 anni, è già un volto molto conosciuto nel mondo della moda e non solo... Skin direbbe che ha un viso che SPAKKAAA!!! Ma Stevo ha tanti progetti in mente e ha voluto confidarceli...


Del resto non è un peccato sentire e volere il mondo a quell'età (ahimè quanto mi è lontana... :P) e Stevo ci ha confidato che vorrebbe fare altro, molto altro... Ma ciancio alle bande, vi lascio all'intervista che ci ha concesso in esclusiva e ai selfie che ci ha mandato!


Q. You define yourself model and photographer, but dou you also have fav artist for which you would like to pose or with which you want to work?

A. There are a lot of photographers I’d like to work with; Conan Thai, Tony Kelly and  Barbara Anastasio are part of my list! There are lots of people on my list, maybe one day I’ll work with them, who knows! Behind the camera, the list of male models I would like to work with is just too long. Nowadays, the male model scene has grown bigger and model agencies are hiring more and more male models. I like new faces, sharp bone structure and fit bodies.


Q. How today matters to be particular? You also have a very sophisticated look: what we certainly find in your wardrobe?

A. How today matters to be special ? I mean, I’m not trying to be different. I just like to dress a certain way. My style changes a lot if you go through my wardrobe. I think your personality should define your style and the way you dress. 

In my wardrobe, you’ll find the basics : plain t-shirts, skinny black jeans, lots of denims, blacks and whites. I’m not the most colourful guy in the world! I like to be neutral when I dress. I have a lot of tattoos so I don’t want to dress too complex otherwise it is going to kill the whole look. I’m a really simple guy and it shows through my style.

Q. Your tattoos have a particular meaning?

A. All my tattoos have meanings. I’m the one who design them. I’ve been drawing all my life and it has always been a real passion to me. I even bought a tattoo kit, so some of my tattoos have been done by myself. (Thigh, lower hip and feet)

Having some tattoos for me was kind of a therapy. I believe I have all of those to hide scars. Life scars. My chest tattoo is the only one that covers physical scars from when I had severe acne as a teenager.

Most of them represent a part of my life. They are who I am, I am who they are. I feel more complete with them and it’s just the beginning. No matter what people think or say about my tattoos, they are a part of me and I love them.  


Q. What do you think of nude photos: today abused or expressive art form?

A. Nude picture don’t bother me that much. I mean, people know what they are doing. IF people want to take naked pictures of them self well, they are allowed to do it. We live in a society where nudity is sold on TV and Magazines. And if people do; good for them! If that makes them feel better about them self well I have nothing to say. I wouldn’t call that art in that case (for amateur/selfies), but definitely a form of expression. Nude photos are OK to me. I think there is always a purpose to everything and a place to expose those tho. 

In terms of professional photo shoots that can be found in magazines and stuff, I think it is a form of art. It is not only a fully exposed body. They usually play with lighs and shadows to create beautiful scenes.

Q. Future projects? Passions, dreams?

A. Future projects… where do I begin? I’ve been singing all my life; maybe I’d like to push it a little more. I’ve been posting some videos and songs of me covering some songs and I had great feedbacks! I also love modeling so I’d like to work overseas. I would love to shoot for a major campaign, it would be a dream come true! I really enjoy taking pictures as well but I would need to buy a better camera with more lenses and maybe permanently rent a studio to work more on it. I mean, I am really passionate about everything I am doing in life so I want to push everything I am doing a little bit more. 

Q. You have an amazing body, let me tell you. How do you build a beautiful body? Do you have any secrets to keep fit?

A. One advice: BE HEALTHY. Being healthy is not only eating healthy. You have to sleep a lot, drink lots of water, have a nice diet that suits you and be active. Lots of people think that going to the gym makes them more healthy but it’s not true. Of course, you have muscles and you’re losing weight (or gaining weight) but if once you’re home the only thing you do is to chill in front of TV eating chips and drinking Pepsi, you’re not really trying to be healthy. I personally have a strict diet, very low carbs and artificial sugar. I go to the gym 5 times a week, run a lot, and practice sports during weekends. If you want a fit body you need to change your lifestyle. I change my routine every 3 weeks, so it keeps me motivated. I compete into Spartan Races and other obstacle races in Canada. I’d like to be elite, but i’ll have to work a lot more! I don’t drink, I don’t smoke and I don’t take drugs. Most of the time people tell me my life must be really boring but in reality, their lives must be really boring because they NEED those addictive bad things in their body to be happy. What a shame!


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